Lord – I am so often … what’s the word?
… frustrated by the poor results
of my efforts to get to know You.
Like the rich young man, I can say,
“All these things I have done since my childhood.”
- Mass, prayers, attempts at talking to You
and listening to Your – the lot.
The psalmist puts the words on it for me:
“Lord, why do You keep silent?”
From the days of Job until today,
people have wondered: “Is the problem
that we are asking the wrong question?”
Lord, although I am so often assailed by doubts,
give me today and tomorrow enough confidence
and certainty to take the next step.
Open my mind and touch my heart
that I may really come to know
that the words of the song are true.
Lord, I know You are near.
Your are always on my side.
- Columban Fr. Aloysius Connaughton